Welcome to my, Computatrum's simple and oldschool website!

Event: Computatrum's Webring Campaign!

Hey, visitor. I assume you do have a Neocities website like mine. You may want to advertise your website or want to gain more views. To be honest, me too. That's a big opportunity for both of us! How? Let me tell, contact me via e-mail, send your Neocities site and let's make a web ring by sharing each other's website by putting site links anywhere. When I receive a few e-mails, I'll create a special page for webrings.

About Me

I do...


Heya, I'm Computatrum. I'm doing pretty much anything (but amateur) in computer a envoriment. I'm Turkish.

I was a generic Turkish kid, I spent my days to watching YouTube's colorful world. Because of these English based subtitled YT videos, I somehow improved my English skill none to better. My family still fascinated with my English.

On Spring 2018, when I was in primary school, I created a Scratch account. Because of that account, I got curious for computer-based stuff like programming, 2 dimentional animating, art, anime and et cetera. That account was a milestone for me but unfortunately I deleted that account.

When I started being curious about programming and CS, I started to buy a few PL books for improving myself. I read some of them but I still don't have a main PL. Python and Java is my best candidates. I used to do C# projects, actually. But since I switched my operating system to Linux, Desktop based C# programming is nearly impossible to me. So before I switch to Linux, I decided to learn more languages. And we're here!

Github GitHub

For my open source projects and stuff.

itch.io itch.io

For my games and utilities.

YouTube YouTube

For my videos and announcements.

Newgrounds Newgrounds

For my games and animations.

Myanimelist Myanimelist

For people who curious.


Mail Me!

Mail me!